Proiectat pentru aplicatii de stivuire de intensitate ridicata, Toyota BT Staxio li-ion model-D a fost proiectat pentru a manipula simultan europaleti dubli pentru a crește productivitatea. Pe de alta parte, modelul LN este ideal pentru stivuirea blocurilor și stivuirea încărcăturii la înălțimi înalte pe culoare înguste. Șasiul compact este proiectat în jurul bateriilor modulare Li-ion, pentru o greutate și un consum de energie mai mici.
The chassis is designed around Li-Ion modular batteries, for a compact design and for low energy consumption. It is also built around the operator, to provide a safe, comfortable, and intuitive driving experience that allows for productive and efficient operations.
Both models offer a high-performance level. On the double stacker truck, the elevating support arms allow for dual load carrying, letting you double productivity. The support arms on the other model help overcome uneven surfaces, without compromising on stability, guaranteeing efficient operations.
Drivers benefit from a newly designed operator compartment with improved ergonomics. The smart design includes easy-to-reach controls. The intuitive touchscreen display and adjustable sit/stand chair make for a comfortable and safe driving experience.
The ergonomic charging connector makes opportunity charging quick, easy and safe. Both Staxio models come with a choice of 3 intelligent energy packs, based on Toyota's own high-density lithium-ion battery solutions, for lower energy consumption and costs savings.
Safe operations are made possible thanks to automatic speed reduction controlling cornering speeds. A protective overhead guard and the enclosed driver compartment guarantee comfortable and safe driving.