Gama Toyota Traigo48 are modele cu 3 si 4 roti de diferite dimensiuni, pentru o varietate de aplicatii interioare si exterioare, cum ar fi incarcarea, descarcarea, stivuirea si transportul orizontal. Aceste stivuitoare electrice contrabalansate vin cu capacitati de incarcare de la 1500 kg pana la 2000 kg si sunt echipate standard cu sistemul nostru patentat de stabilitate activa, SAS. Gama standard Toyota Traigo48 este disponibila cu baterie conventionala plumb-acid (LAB) sau cu baterie litiu-ion (LIB), obtinand performante de varf cu un design de neegalat. Toyota Traigo48 vine, de asemenea, intr-un design unic pentru LIB numit Traigo_i, pentru a sprijini in continuare o mare varietate de aplicatii, satisfacand cererea clientilor si oferind o ergonomie de varf.
Whether you choose the standard Traigo model or Traigo_i you’ll enjoy the unique modern and innovative design approach of Toyota.
The full-floating compartment offers a comfortable driving experience with less noise and vibrations. New features such as a smaller steering wheel, a lower dashboard, a new armrest with integrated touchscreen and extra legroom provide excellent ergonomics.
Whether you are a traditional lead-acid battery user or you favour the benefits of lithium-ion technology, the Toyota Traigo48 design allows you to choose your battery type.
SyncoDrive from Toyota allows high performance levels and low energy consumption for optimal efficiency and enhanced responsiveness.
The innovative and uniquely designed lithium-ion Traigo48 (Traigo_i) with integrated battery offers exceptional comfort for drivers and high levels of productivity, both indoors and outdoors.
Experience the power of our in-house assembled lithium-ion batteries, designed with a small battery compartment, powerful enough to keep you going through multiple shifts a day, all at a fair price.
Our Traigo_i model has a unique Toyota design, resulting in a spacious operator compartment with extra legroom for class-leading ergonomics.
Operators experience a smooth and comfortable drive with low noise and vibrations, thanks to the full-floating cabin, which is mounted on four fully suspended dampers.
The optional glass roof, low dashboard and slim overhead guard design provide excellent visibility.
Regardless of which Toyota Traigo48 model you choose, for applications like loading and unloading, stacking or horizontal transport, you will always benefit from the latest R&D developments to enhance your performance.
Low energy consumption and great performance become possible thanks to the combination of the IPM (Interior Permanent Magnet) synchronous motor for traction, the optional high-performance motor for lifting and our advanced controllers for swift load handling.
Lead-acid, lithium-ion batteries or even a fuel cell solution are available for low energy consumption and changing or charging batteries is quick and easy, for efficient operations.
Excellent visibility of the forks, even when working at height, and of the surroundings create a safer workspace. LED lights increase safety during night work or while working in dimly lit areas.
Easy access to serviceable parts makes repairs faster, ensuring low maintenance costs and minimal downtime.