Stivuitoarele electrice BT Tyro sunt ideale pentru lucrari ocazionale usoare. Acestea vor face mutarea bunurilor in magazine, mici unitati de productie si depozite mai rapida si mai usoara. Descoperiti cum, mai jos.
Thanks to its small turning radius and compact design, the BT Tyro allows for easy manoeuvring in tight spaces. The 2 castor wheels on the sides ensuring stability during pallet movement.
This light-duty truck with 180° steering angle offers smooth and safe movement. The low weight of the BT Tyro makes it very easy to manoeuvre thanks to the low pressure on the drive wheel.
This truck comes with a maintenance-free lithium-ion battery for fast and easy charging ensuring high availability and flexibility.
The creep speed functionality allows for easy movement in tight areas. The reduced speed when cornering ensures enhanced safety when transporting goods around your application.
The BT Tyro stacker truck is designed for occasional stacking and short-distance transport. A great support for low intensity applications in confined areas such as small shops and companies.
Clean design of mast and low chassis offer excellent view through the mast and to the load.
The 180° steering angle enables smooth and easy manoeuvring and ensures safe handling.
The truck has a built-in charger for easy connection to a power socket. With the 60Ah Li-ion battery and the 25A charger charging the battery takes about 2.5 hours.
All BT Tyro trucks are equipped with PIN code to start up the truck. This enables easy access and prevents unauthorised use of the truck.
Transpaletele manuale pot transporta marfuri in toate tipurile de aplicatii. Sunt fiabile, compacte, intuitiv de utilizat si isi fac treaba. Deci, cand sa treci la un model de transpaleta sau stivuitor motorizat? Avem 4 considerente pentru a motiva alegerea modelelor noastre BT Tyro.
Cu stivuitoarele complet motorizate, marfurile pot fi mutate mai repede, necesitand mai putin efort din partea operatorului, crescand eficienta si productivitatea.
Pe BT Tyro, bateria poate fi incarcata peste noapte sau casetele bateriei pot fi schimbate cu usurinta, asigurand disponibilitatea continua
O transpaleta motorizata entry-level poate face munca usoara, rapida si pune mai putina presiune asupra operatorului. Functiile de ridicare si actionare, pozitionate pe manerul stivuitorului, simplifica semnificativ munca operatorului, in comparatie cu lucrul cu o transpaleta manuala.
Transpaletele manuale sunt usor de accesat, permitand oricarui operator sa foloseasca stivuitorul. Cu o transpaleta electrica va puteti asigura ca numai operatorii autorizati pot opera echipamentul datorită codului PIN de pe maner.
Pe modelele motorizate gasiti functii precum viteza de deplasare usoara in zone inguste si reducerea vitezei in viraje.
Cu o investitie initiala redusa intr-un model flexibil cu motor usor, veti obtine multe beneficii in schimb, inclusiv ergonomia sporita a operarii unei transpalete electrice
When more power is needed and you require forklifts that can handle more intense applications, we have a wide range of medium- to high-duty pallet trucks available. This range can be fitted with lead-acid or li-ion batteries and is also available as coldstore version. Check out our most popular models.
Simplu si rapid de incarcat cu baterie Litiu-Ion.
Acces pe baza de cod PIN pentru cresterea sigurantei.
Reducerea vitezei la viraje, pentru o operare mai sigura.
Compact si usor de manevrat, transpaleta BT tyro este ideala pentru multe aplicatii de intensitate scazuta.
Clear view through the mast to the load.
Reduction of speed in corners for safer operation.
Easy and quick lithium-ion battery charge with built-in charger.
Creep speed with vertical tiller arm for safer manoeuvring in tight areas.
Entry-level powered pallet or stacker trucks like the BT Tyro allow to move goods quicker and smoother. They also improve ergonomics, safety and give more flexibility.
For occasional use on ramps both our BT Tyro LHE130 and LHE155 are suitable. For steeper gradients we recommend to use the LHE155 for an extra push. The entry level stacker SHE100 is suited for even floors.
All models in the BT Tyro range come with li-ion technology. Depending on model and application the battery can last a different number of hours and needs a few hours to charge. A second battery can be ordered as option for the LHE-models.
No, the recommended temperature range is between +5°C and +40°C.
We offer a 12-month/1000 working hours (whichever comes first) warranty for BT Tyro units sold in your market, provided that all the maintenance conditions have been duly followed by the customer and performed by trained technicians, as detailed in the operator manual.
The BT Tyro comes with a competitive price. Financing options can be discussed. Contact our sales experts for more information.