Training calendar

Here are all of our planned training sessions. If you are interested in a customised training session, please fill in the form in the bottom of this page and write to us.

Sam Nomura Master class - Cancelled due to Covid-19

Unfortunately we have decided to cancel the Sam Nomura master classes after monitoring the spread of Covid-19 in the world. The decision has been taken with the health and safety of our visitors and our speakers in mind.

Contacteaza-ne pentru mai multe informatii

Toyota Material Handling Romania se angajeaza sa va protejeze si sa va respecte confidentialitatea. Vom folosi informatiile dvs. personale numai pentru a va furniza produsele si serviciile pe care le-ati solicitat. Toate solicitarile sunt confidentiale, tratate conform Politicii de Confidentialitate.

Din cand in cand, dorim sa te informam despre produsele si serviciile noastre, precum si despre alte tipuri de continut care ar putea fi de interes pentru tine. Te vei putea dezabona de la ele in orice moment!

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