Inscrie-te la Editia Digitala Hannover Messe - 
12-16 April

Editie digitala Hannover Messe

Va invitam sa descoperiti ultimele tehnologii si solutii pe care le oferim, prezentate in cadrul Hannover Messe.

In logistica, a ramane in picioare nu este o optiune

Logistica este o industrie in continua schimbare, cu cerinte si asteptari din ce in ce mai mari din partea consumatorilor si cu tehnologii in continua dezvoltare pentru a satisface aceste cerinte. Am fost intotdeauna in fruntea noilor tehnologii, iar in lumea provocatoare a logisticii, nevoia de viteza este evidenta...

Am identificat in urma cu ceva timp ca ritmul schimbarilor logistice se accelereaza si ca avem nevoie de o abordare foarte structurata pentru a identifica rapid tendintele care vor avea un impact asupra industriei si a clientilor nostri. Deci, lucram cu ceva pe care il numim radarul nostru strategic, pentru a urmari tendintele si a estima nivelul de impact pe care il vor avea.

O mare parte din munca depusa de echipa noastra responsabila cu inovarea va va fi impartasita printr-un canal online special numit „Logiconomi” - care ofera informatii scurte, usor de inteles, asupra ultimelor tehnologii care afecteaza lumea logisticii.

Afla mai multe despre Toyota >>

Descopera ultimele noastre solutii >>

Puterea conectivitatii

Valoarea pe care o poate aduce conectivitatea in sistemele logistice, nu poate fi ignorata. Cu solutia de gestionare a flotei I_Site, ne propunem sa imbunatatim productivitatea si sa incurajam operatiunile logistice sa fie mai eficiente.

I_Site comunica prin hardware si senzori telematici incorporati in echipamentele noastre si le conecteaza la sistemul de gestionare a flotei Toyota. Acest lucru va poate oferi noi informatii despre flota de echipamente si va poate ajuta sa luati deciziile cele mai bune. Rezultatul: puteti utiliza in mod optim flota si operatorii, puteti crea un mediu de lucru mai sigur, puteti economisi costuri si energie. Multe dintre echipamentele noastre sunt dotate din fabrica, ca standard, cu sisteme telematice, oferindu-va date utile inca din prima zi de folosire. Exista multe pachete I_Site disponibile pentru a se potrivi nevoilor fiecarui business.

Descopera pachetele I_Site >>

Afla cum a ajutat I_Site compania Velux >>

Descarca brosura despre conectivitate >>

Proven Innovation

The reach truck from Toyota Material Handling has always been a class-leading product. Disrupting the industry with innovative features and high performance, even in intensive applications. The new model, BT Reflex R, E, O-series, will expand on this innovation in 4 other areas:

  • Intuitive: the new model is redesigned with a focus on ergonomics, putting the driver in the centre
  • Interactive: one key part of the new design is a completely new technology making the driver’s task more efficient and safe, including a wide range of features and options
  • Intelligent: this truck will set new standards in energy efficiency by offering the best fit in terms of energy solution, ideal for high-intensity applications
  • Insight: as a connected truck as standard, it offers a wide range of benefits for drivers as well as truck maintenance

Stay tuned for the launch in May!


Discover our current reach truck range >>

Download the brochure of the current Reflex range >>

Discover how our reach trucks improve visibility and safety >>

Radical Energy Design (RED)

We started the RED project to set out a vision for future truck design, with the first award-winning example already launched, the latest LWI160 Li-ion powered pallet truck. RED stands for Radical Energy Design, which is at the heart of the new design concept, based on the use of Toyota’s own lithium-ion modular battery system.

The thinking behind the RED-project is to eliminate the battery box completely and find alternative locations for the individual energy modules. Instead of working with big lithium-ion blocks that weigh more, we are now working with smaller modules, of which the battery cells and their weight are divided throughout the truck. This gives a certain freedom to completely redesign the truck with many advantages. The main difference is the reduction in size, which improves driveability but also flexibility, with smaller trucks able to work in any ‘normal’ application.


Learn the story behind RED project >>

Discover all innovative features of the BT Levio LWI160 >> 

Step-by-step Automation

Automation in logistics is booming due to several reasons such as driver shortage, reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency. It all comes down to eliminating unnecessary processes and adding value where it makes most sense. We can help you take the automation journey step by step, where man & AGV can complement each other. Automating your material handling processes can seem complex, but often the material flow throughout your site is quite logical, regardless if it's a warehouse or a production site. With our systematic approach we can easily find common functions that can be identified as configurable modules for repetitive use. This is the Toyota way of working: separating repetitive flows from unique ones within the process. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are ideal to use for your repetitive flows. Together we will identify the flows where automation will add the most value: creating a safer work environment, increasing productivity, reducing damage cost.


Get your automation journey started >>

Get your copy of the entire Autopilot range >>

Find out how Toyota’s own T-ONE automation software works >>

Read how we supported elm.leblanc’s 4.0 journey >>

Find out how Toyota AGVs support Tine >>

Panel Discussion on Supply chain resiliency

COVID-19 has shown us that supply chains are more important to our economy than ever before.

Even in "normal" times, managing inventory and responding to disruptions can have a significant impact. Complexity doesn't stop at a company’s border - a very high level of complexity today lies in the supplier network.

In this panel, experts from Toyota, IBM and ServiceNow will discuss how supply chains can be prepared for the future with the help of intelligent data usage and data integration. They will explain on customer examples how automation, AI and agile organisations can enable to process with faster and better decisions and start an intelligent, self-learning and resilient supply chain.

Watch the panel discussion here on Thursday 15 April at 17:15 >>

Don’t forget to register to view the discussion >>


Informatii de contact

Toyota Material Handling Romania

Contact Dep Vanzari: +40 372.157.000

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