Stivuitoarele electrice Toyota BT Staxio din Seria-P au o productivitate ridicata datorita platformei pentru transport pe distante lungi. Versatilitatea Seriei-P este data de viteza marita, capacitatea reziduala crescuta, servodirectia si protectia pentru operator. Sunt destul de compacte si pentru a fi folosite in spatii restranse. Gama dispune de stivuitoare cu capacitate de la 1200 kg la 2000 kg, pentru condusul pe rampe, pentru manipularea inchisa a paletilor si a incarcaturii duble si pentru aplicatiile din depozitele frigorifice. Modelul cu catarg retractabil este compact, asemenea unui stacker dar si flexibl ca un reach truck, imbinandu-le pe amandoua. Poate manevra diferite tipuri de paleti.
The ease of use, the folding platform, and speed, the Toyota BT Staxio SPE-series was designed with operator and productivity in mind.
Our unique 5-point chassis offers excellent stability and control, especially on ramps and uneven surfaces. The advanced hydraulic system ensures optimum traction and exceptionally high residual capacities at elevated levels.
The standard BT Staxio P pallet stacker has a folding driver platform with
‘one-touch’ foldable gates. Easy to fold up when working in more confined spaces.
The Toyota pallet stackers can be fitted with optional fixed side bars and fixed backrest for more ergonomics and safer operations. The height of the steering arm is fully adjustable at the touch of a button to adapt to the operator.
The complete BT Staxio platform range can be fitted with lead-acid or Li-ion technology. Lithium-ion batteries allow for opportunity charging and are 30% more energy-efficient.
The Toyota stacker with retractable mast has a variety of features making it a versatile machine that can be used in many different applications, even coldstore.
On the XR models, the forks can be tilted up or down for safe pallet handling.
Operators have all controls for driving, lifting/ lowering, reaching and tilting at their fingertips with the ergonomic handle.
Increase productivity when stacking goods using a fork positioner with integrated side shift that allows the forks to be shifted left, right or in/out.
The optional E-bar allows for easy mounting of ancillary devices such as a scanner or PC on the vehicle.